• にて、NHK「コズミック フロント」10周年の記事を書きました。BS プレミアムはいい番組を作っているなぁと実感。

    月刊 星ナビ 2021年 05月号 [雑誌]

    NHK 放送センター内の食堂には寿司屋があった。俺はカレーを食べたけど。駒場の学食にもあったな。

    NHK 放送センターは大々的な建て替え工事がすでに始まっている。昭和の雰囲気を残すビルヂングが好きだが、NHK 放送センターもそんな感じ。幅の広い廊下の一部をパーティションで区切って新たな会議室を作ったりして、手狭になりつつある古いビルを工夫して使っていた。

    「コズミック フロント」を担当されている筒井チーフ・ディレクターは大学院時代は祖父江さんの学生で、1つ上に本間希樹さんがいたとのこと。スタッフに天文出身が多いわけではないとおっしゃっていたが。

    そういえば NHK 社屋の廊下に「どうも」とマジックで書かれた大きな木箱が置かれていた。どーもくんが入っていたのだろうか。

  • 緊急事態宣言がずっと出ていたこともあり、本来のかかりつけ床屋である高田馬場の店まで出かける機会や心の余裕がなかなかなくて、つい地元の1,200円床屋で済ませてしまうことが続いている。こういうクイック床屋には顔剃りサービスがないので産毛がたくさん生えている気がする。

  • 新プラン(ギガプラン)への変更予約をしてみた。現在 6GB/月のプランだが、データ通信量は毎月余っている。新プランでは 6GB というのはないので 8GB/月を選んだが、これでも現プランより安い。

  • 組織委員会がここまで強硬なことを言ってくるのは結局、MIKIKO先生案の一部がまだ生きているからネタバレになってしまうということなのであろう。

    「週刊文春」はなぜ五輪組織委員会の「発売中止、回収」要求を拒否するのか――「週刊文春」編集長よりご説明します | 文春オンライン



  • The following is an article from the Asahi Shimbun when the Mochizuki paper was published in March 2021. The article here does not mention the proof gap significantly. Many of the researchers’ comments are anonymous.

    As far as I could find by google news search, other than the Asahi Shimbun, the Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyodo News, and Nikkan Sports reported the publication of Mochizuki’s paper. The Mainichi Shimbun, NHK, and private TV stations did not report it.

    Proof of the ABC Conjecture Finally Published: Eight and a Half Years in the Journal of Mathematics

    Tetsuya Ishikura, March 5, 2021 8:00 PM

    On March 5, a paper by Shinichi Mochizuki, a professor at Kyoto University’s Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), which claims to have proved the ABC conjecture, an extremely difficult mathematical problem, was published after eight and a half years since it was submitted in 2012. The publisher, European Mathematical Society Publishing House, responded to an inquiry from the Asahi Shimbun. The electronic version of the paper was first published as a special issue of PRIMS, an international mathematics journal published by RIMS, and the printed version will be published in a month.

    The paper is titled “Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory”. The paper is 723 pages long in English, so it was decided to use an entire issue of PRIMS, which usually contains five or more papers. The paper is also difficult to understand, and some mathematicians have doubts about the proofs, so RIMS hopes to use the publication as an opportunity to spread the theory.

    The ABC conjecture is a fundamental mathematical question about the addition and multiplication of an infinite number of integers: 1, 2, 3, etc. If proven, it will lead to the solution of many unsolved problems. It has been unsolved for about 35 years since it was first announced in 1985.

    A bizarre idea that surprised the world

    Professor Mochizuki developed a novel idea of manipulating numbers by connecting the worlds (universes) of addition and multiplication in all directions, and spent more than 10 years alone to create the Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory. When he submitted his paper to PRIMS in 2012 and published it on his website, mathematicians around the world were amazed.

    However, the paper was so bizarre and difficult to understand that even mathematicians complained that they couldn’t even understand what they couldn’t understand. The paper was feared to be “a paper from the future”. The verification process took an unusually long seven and a half years, as some prominent mathematicians voiced their doubts, saying, “There is an uncorrectable gap in the way the proof proceeds.”

    In April last year, the PRIMS editorial board declared that the “peer review” process to verify the correctness of the papers was over. It had announced that it would proceed with the work for publication. The editorial board revealed that the paper had been substantially revised 10 times for this special issue, explaining that the paper was long and it took a long time to decide on its publication.

    The fact that Professor Mochizuki was the editor-in-chief of the editorial board of PRIMS caused the British science journal Nature to report, “We were shocked that a puzzling paper could be officially published, and the claim that the ABC prediction had been solved remains controversial.” The editorial board explained that “Professor Mochizuki was removed from the committee from the beginning.”

    “It will take more than 10 years for the mathematical community to recognize it”

    A mathematician, whose field is close to Prof. Mochizuki’s, said, “In order for the majority of the mathematical community to accept that the proof is correct, it will be necessary to increase the number of people who understand the paper. It will probably take more than 10 years for that to happen.” Papers explaining the Inter-Universal Teichmüller theory have been published one after another, but it is said that there are still only about 10 people in the world who understand the theory. RIMS plans to promote the theory, and has established a research center headed by Professor Mochizuki, and has begun recruiting researchers and assistant professors.

    Professor Mochizuki has already been working on the application of the IUT theory, and published a paper claiming that Fermat’s Last Theorem, which took more than 350 years to solve, can be proved in a different way. Professor Ivan Fesenko of the University of Nottingham in the U.K., a supporter of Mochizuki, said, “The IUT theory will lead to incredible breakthroughs in mathematics in the future.”

    Nobushige Kurokawa, professor emeritus of number theory at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, said, “Professor Mochizuki’s theory is not limited to the proof of the ABC conjecture, but may become a powerful weapon that will affect other difficult problems and other fields. Now that his paper has been confirmed, we hope for further progress.”